We have been encouraged to ask that all Harp Hawk families fill out the free and reduced lunch form this year. Thank you very much!!
Use School Cafe to set up your Springdale student(s) accounts , Apply for free and reduced lunch, and deposit money into your student(s) accounts.
To create an account or login to your current account follow these steps:
1. Click this link ->
or download the App.
2. If you have created a login in the past click Sign in. If you are new to the district or have never created an account please click "Create a new Account".
3. After you have signed up or signed in you should be into your dashboard.
-You can now click the word "Apply" under benefits on the left to apply for free or reduced lunch.
-You may add all of your Springdale students by clicking "add a student" on the dashboard. Type in their Student ID number, School, and Last name. (Call the school for your student's ID number).
- You can click" Make a Payment" on the left under Payments to add money to your student's accounts.